Coreea Antoinette Coreea Antoinette

How to be more confident-even when you’re nervous!

Interview tips you need to know!

No one feels confident all the time, but sometimes you need to show up your best confident self regardless. You might be meeting your partner’s parents, on a job interview, or at company meeting. There are times it can be helpful to appear confident even if you are not feeling confident. No more faking until you make it. Instead apply these tips to show the confidence you already own.

1.       Maintain good eye contact. Consider where confident people look while you are engaged in conversation with them. They aren’t looking at their feet or playing with their phones. They look you in the eye. Be care not to stare, but look the other person in the eye the majority of the time. I teach my clients '‘the gaze” this helps to be more comfortable with direct eye contact.

2.       Have great posture. Confident people don’t slouch. Stand tall and proud. The same goes for sitting. People with good posture tell the world they are confident without saying a word. Slouching makes you appear small. Stand or sit up straight and make people take notice. Try not to sit all the back in a chair. This will make you sit more erect.

3.       Keep your hands out of your pockets. In some cultures hiding your hands is a sign of distrust. Showing your hands is also showing confidence. Keep your hands in plain sight where they can be seen. This also reducing fidgeting.

4.       Avoid fidgeting. Playing in your hair, face, or clothes is clear sign you are nervous. Try your best to avoid it.

5.       Smile. I know you may hear this a lot and that’s because it’s true. A true authentic smile is the quickest way to persuade someone in your favor. A smirk however is the fastest way to lose someone’s trust so be genuine and SMILE.

6.       Put the phone away. Being more concerned about your phone then the people in front of you is rude. People should always take precedence over your phone. Your phone is an easy scapegoat when you are nervous. Avoid your phone and be present in the moment instead.

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Coreea Antoinette Coreea Antoinette

Interview tips you need to know!

Interview tips you need to know!


You keep getting the interviews, but not the job! What the heck is going on here? If you want to get your dream job, you going to need to re-evaluate how you are interviewing. I know you may not want to hear it, but it is true! Whenever a prospect employer invites you to interview, it is not because they want to become friends. They want to know they can trust you! I have interviewed lots people over the years, and I have also been an interviewee.  

For some guidance, read the Pro tips below on what you should consider during your interview.


Hype yourself up. Yes, I said get excited about one more step in the right direction. You have been pounding the pavement and you got the call. WOOHoO!!! Now keep that momentum and energy so the interviewer can see and feel it too. There is nothing like a boring interviewee with no energy. Energy speaks! I was once not offered a position because I lacked energy; not because I was not qualified. Remember that the first impression that you will make is very essential. We do not need your nervousness to speak before you do.

Always have a question. The end of the interview has come, and the infamous question is posed, “Do you have any questions?” You sheepishly say- No, I do not. Ten cool points deducted, and you did not even know it. Kidding-but all jokes aside, you need to always have questions. When you do not, it tells the employer you know all you need to know. Look, this is as much about you as it is them. You need to stalk and troll their website to know if this company is the right fit for you! When you have been contacted for an interview, it is a must that you take time to research about the company. Look for all skeletons, the staff members if possible, and the role that you must portray should you get hired for the position. Honey, you are interviewing them too!

Your body will not lie. Have you ever heard the expression “it is written all over you face”? Well, your body language can tell an employer more than your resume. For example, your words say I am confident and work well with people. However, your arms are crossed, and you use little eye contact. Your words and body language do not match, and employers see that! You can say what you want but your body can not lie. You have to say what you believe and believe what you say!

Deference. You need to treat your interviewer with as much respect as possible. Pretend you are a guest in their home. Hopefully, you know not to wonder about and go in their fridge. It is the same for the interview. Follow the lead of the interviewer!  You really need to know how to read nonverbal cues and follow suit. If the interviewers put their pen down and about to say; this is tell-tale sign that it is time to end. This is not the time for you keep chatting. You must be polite and follow directions. Even the unspoken ones

Show gratitude. After the interview, be sure to flash a smile and tell them you look forward to hearing back from them. It will show your appreciation that you have been granted an interview among the other applicants. Lastly, show your respect to all the people you see because you never know who the one who has the power to hire you will be.   Sometimes the lowest rank person may be asked to give their opinion on whether to hire you or not.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. This is great start to getting ready for the interview. There are more secrets to uncover that you may need to know.  

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